Oriented to high net worth individuals, this business area is characterized by providing a personalized service of the highest standard, which allows us to offer advice and portfolios tailored to the needs of each client.

Adequate opportunities for each profile.
Domestic and foreign product offerings.
Expert financial advisory team.
Bank of New York Mellon
Access to a wide variety of instruments.
Access to FYNSA AGF Funds.

For this, we have a team dedicated to monitor and elaborate the different investment strategies that we subsequently propose to our clients, which consider their risk tolerance, among other factors, in order to recommend an adequate package for each profile.

Products and services

Multi Family Office

Service oriented to high net worth clients with "long term vision". Under the principles of confidentiality, transparency and objectivity, which are guaranteed by absolute independence and impartiality in decision making.

Discretionary Portfolios

Discretionary portfolio service for high net worth private clients. The objective is to protect and grow the investments of our clients, the recommendations are made based on the analysis of the Strategy and Investments department, integrated by highly qualified professionals.

Access to Business Opportunities

Business model focused on our customers.

Wealth Management

The Wealth Management area has its own investment model, which includes a committee where we evaluate the different investment opportunities, which we then suggest to our clients.

Our open architecture structure allows us to deliver the most varied product offering in Chile and abroad independently and without conflicts of interest.
In FYNSA we have agreements with leading local and foreign fund managers, which allows us to have access to a diversified portfolio of investment funds, both public and private.